Timms not catching

There are tons of blackbirds and thrushes here, but I’ve never trapped one. They have a lot of food here, so they might not be that interested. I’ve trapped a number of rats in my Timms, so a large bird should be able to set one off. There are magpies, pheasants and flocks of quails here (20 strong), but they haven’t shown any interest in my Timms, either.

I’ve trapped a few blackbirds in DOC tunnels, though. By-kill sucks, but the dead blackbirds kill a rat about half the time that I use them as a lure, so they aren’t dying in vain.

I need to get some of my Timms back in proper shape - some cleaning, WD-40, and lanolin spray. I’d love to buy replacement strings for them, because they do stretch after a while.

Get those possums!

Timms traps meet the standard