Would it be possible to add the BT 200 to the Trap type list?
Ngā mihi,
Would it be possible to add the BT 200 to the Trap type list?
Ngā mihi,
Kia ora Jack,
Are you wanting to add a BT 200 or a BT220, or both, to the trap type list?
Ngā mihi,
The Trap.NZ Team
Apologies - getting myself muddled. Adding the BT 200 trap.
Ngā mihi,
No worries! We’ve added the BT 200 trap for you
Ngā mihi,
The Trap.NZ Team
Aweseome. Thank you very much.
This is a DoC200 clone, any reason for not just recording it as a DoC200?
Yeah, I suppose it could be just put down as a DOC200. I was thinking the trap type was the model name for the trap rather than the design of the trap. I thought it may be interesting to see where people are using “real” DOC200s and where people are using BT200s, but if the standard is just to put it down as a DOC200…
It’s a fair thought and we discussed it internally too. Someone will correct me but I think the bigger variables will be box style (run through, double set, single set), tuning, maintenance schedule, placement, lure type, etc. The differences in manufacture I would think/hope won’t warrant the confusion in the reporting two types.
Yeah, I agree. There are also probably a lot of BT 200s down as DOC200 already anyways.
On those big variables, I agree with you as well. There is also placement of the lure, and use and placement of pre-feed, which could be really interesting data. Are they things that you are thinking of adding?
Good arguments here but yeah I agree we should just stick with DOC200 for reporting sake.