Adding new members is clunky

I’ve had to add a few new members to the project. I couldn’t figure out why these new members were really struggling to get into the Trap.NZ app. So I invited myself using a different email address… and so I now understand the issue.

When I use the Email invites tag, Trap.NZ sends out two emails in quick succession.

The first reads like this:

Kia ora,

A project administrator has created an account for you.

To confirm your details and set a password you will need to click on this link or copy and paste it in your browser:[[[this bit is all the codes needed for a password reset]]]

This will verify your account and log you into the site. In the future you will be able to log in to using your username and password.

You can also access your traps using this shortcut:

Start trapping | Trap.NZ[[[all the codes needed to login]]]

This allows you to add traps and record catches quickly without logging in.

This is all great. BUT. The email that follows reads like this:

  • Kia ora davidswanncto,

You are now a member of BHMET - Bluff Motupohue on Trap.NZ.

Once you’re logged in, you can find BHMET - Bluff Motupohue at BHMET - Bluff Motupohue or listed under My Projects

You can edit your details, change your password and set your preferences at

If you don’t know your password or you’ve forgotten it, you can reset it here.

Ngā mihi,
The Trap.NZ Team*

The main problem is that if you have conversation mode set up in your email client, all you see is that second (i.e. latest) email. And nothing in that second email works for someone who’s not set their password. It just leaves that new member thinking that Trap.NZ is going to be a bad experience from their first go. Which isn’t a fair representation of what’s mostly a great user experience.

It’s a simple solution. Please don’t send the second email! It’s completely redundant.

The second problem is that if you’re setting someone up as a trapper, you’re sending them to a web link. That’s great but in most organisations, trappers and advanced trappers will only be expected to use the app. It would be way better if that first email contained a QR code that would check for the presence of the app on the mobile device, install if necessary and allow the password to be set on the mobile device. No need to go through the web experience.

I hope that helps

