Adding traps with manual co-ordinates

Im trying to add traps through the manual co-ordinates platform. I input the co-ordinates and when the trap is added it brings up a screen that says no map data available but has the trap situated on the page. Is 7 figures enough for each of the latitude and longitude co-ordinates. I have an old etrex that only gives 7 figures for the co-ordinates.

You need to convert it to Decimal Degrees, I use this website to convert the numbers from GPS to the Trap.NZ format.

So it looks like this:
-36.5822 174.748633

It would be cool if did this, but it doesn’t at the moment.


Great thank you very much Gary. It would be good if Trap nz decided to have its own converter.

Yes agreed, I did add that a new feature but didn’t get many votes :frowning: