We have a heap of trailcams that we are mostly using to spot kiwi, however, we end up with a heap of footage and it is time consuming to go through and find what actually has kiwi in it and what is for example a branch blowing in the wind. I am wondering if anyone knows of an AI solution to analyse video to figure out which ones contain kiwi (and I suppose it would be useful to identify other animals as well).
I know of a few AI solutions (including the one on here) that deal with images, but does anyone know of something similar for video?
I’ve not used it, but Cacophony has video animal detection: Cacophony Monitoring Platform — The Cacophony Project
I found an old post on the ZIP website mentioning their work on a trailcam with onboard AI video analysis. It looks like the trailcams aren’t commercially available yet, so I don’t know whether the software will ever be available as a separate product, but you could always ask - you never know when someone might be looking to do beta testing! ZIP Classifier on their product page is supposed to speed up classifying camera footage but doesn’t seem to be AI.
Hope you can find a good product for your needs!
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