AT 220 stoats and weasels

I’ve used the AT220 for years and had fantastic results, there is always a but. I have never had a stoat or weasel caught. Are there any tips out there.

We have a fleet of 150+ AT220s deployed for about a year… 260 possums, 2,500 rats, 1 stoat, 1 weasel. We’ve tried putting salted rabbit, Erayz, Poauku, Nara inside the lid… nothing. I think mustelids are just too smart to climb up into a cage. But really interested to hear any success stories out there…


I’m looking at the new Spitfire tunnel I think that could work side by side with the AT220.

Measuring how many caught is not as good as measuring how many didn’t get caught. To learn more about how many get away and why, it’s best to have a trail camera focused on the trap and its surroundings.