AT220 telemetry report

Hi, how do I import my data from the AT220 telemetry report to my project? Thanks

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I don’t have AT220s myself, but would it work to view the data with the telemetry report (which I assume is what you’re doing), then download the CSV file, choose the data you want, and re-upload it to your project using Import trap records?

Thanks @christina.g I just got a reply from Autotraps; as suspected it’s amanual process for now.
As for the [Trap.NZ] project, we are working with the Trap.NZ team to hopefully allow automatic integration between trap data and user projects. In the meantime, it is easiest to manually enter the trap data, using the “AT220 Telemetry Report” in the reports tab of [Trap.NZ] Data collected from the NZAT app will be synced with this report, then you can enter the tallies into your project manually.

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Does anyone know if there anyway to edit the Telemetry data once in TrapNZ ?