Automatic trap numbering

Would be really cool if there was a feature allowing for automatic re-adjustment of trap numbering so that if you were to say add a DOC200 in-between two existing DOC200’s on a set line the numbering of all the DOC200’s on the setline would re-shuffle.

Very much agree, and it is something we have earmarked for future line management tools.

Would that not then transfer records of traps to another trap?
When we’ve added traps in between on an existing line of traps, all numbered, we’ve added an A to the number of the new trap.

You can recode them as you like and it won’t affect the records (remembering to change any hard labels on the physical device too.) Traps have unique IDs under the hood, and trap records are associated with those IDs rather than the code.

Suffixing with -001a, -001b etc is a good manual approach for filling the gaps.

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