Behaviour of 'Lure' when re-lure not ticked


Is the ‘Lure’ set to ‘None’ when the ‘Re-lured’ box isn’t ticked?

This seems to be causing issues when we clear a trap (e.g. DOC 150) but don’t replace the lure. The ‘previous lure’ and ‘bait_at_arrival’ seems to be ‘None’ for the subsequent visit even though the existing lure remained?

I think the correct behaviour should be:
If ‘Re-lured’ is not ticked, lure should be set to ‘Previous Lure’ rather than ‘None’
If a lure is actually removed, the procedure is to tick "Re-lure’ and select ‘None’ to reflect an active change in the lure of the trap.



Hello -
Yes we have been finding this issue too. When it comes to running reports and doing statistical analysis its a bit of an issue… Showing us the best bait for catching rats is “none” rather than whatever it had been baited with previously.



I’ve never been sure his this works and I’ve always added the bait. For example when I have a trap that’s sprung but the bait is still ok. I just put rebaited & what’s in the trap.
Cheers Sarah

Thanks Sarah,

That’s an option but creates its own complications for us as we are testing longer-life lures and want to know when the lure was originally placed. We would rely on the ‘re-lured’ flag to tell us this, so ticking it would make it hard to distinguish real lure updates.

