Can anyone in this community please confirm if I am correct in understanding - we can upload bulk monitoring stations (i.e use the import monitoring stations for lat/long) but we CAN NOT bulk upload results against those stations? Pest Free Kaiipatiki is considering making a large scale monitoring campaign visible on but at the moment it looks like stations results need to be added one by one…
Thank you
Hi there.
You are correct in that there is no user interface available for importing monitoring records in bulk just yet, but it is planned. If it is a one-off import we can look at doing it do it for you.
What is your timing for the campaign? We may be able to get the record import function implemented sooner.
(for the Trap.NZ team)
Hi, thank you Daniel for your reply. Great to know this is coming.
It would be a one off import - we will have two years of data to add - against approximately 1000 chew card stations. Each station has an instance representing absence (0) or presence (1) for Mouse, Rat, Hedgehog, Possum and Other.
So in total aprox 1000 ‘stations’ which we can add on, and 2000 instances to record if that makes sense.
We get the results from the second year’s survey mid this month. The polygon would cover some 3700 hectares as the survey is across multiple sites - is that going to work on
Thanks again for your time,
You can email us directly at
All good. We’ll see if we can get the import function done over the next few weeks but if not, I’m sure we can import it for you. The scale of the polygon isn’t an issue as far as the system is concerned.