At the moment it’s very much a trial-and-error thing, I set the teeth low enough that the rats wouldn’t be discouraged from even going near the thing… without a trail camera (still on the way) I can’t tell how they’re interacting with it, but the thinking was that a barbed fence in front of the trap might discourage any interaction. In any case the Trap-E is in a tunnel and the D- Rats are centered on thin poles so the only way to approach is from the front.
In terms of another negative result, the Mitre 10 sharks-mouth style rat trap: Holy **** are these useless! I’ve had really poor results with a similar style for mice so wasn’t expecting much, but these really took the biscuit. A bird had somehow got inside the mesh screen (I still haven’t figured out how, there are no obvious gaps despite an extensive search, I clipped the edges down a bit more just in case) and gone into the trap. I pulled the trap outside the screen by the chain, opened it up, and the bird flew off completely unharmed, not a mark on it and no sign of discomfort. If this leaves a fragile-boned bird completely unharmed it won’t do anything to a much tougher rat.
The only way these things could ever kill a rat is if one has a weak heart and the flap of the trap closing gives it a heart attack.