Data input on phone not appearing on website

After checking each trap and adding information on the phone then pressing save it does not then appear on the website. Information is still on the phone and then needs to added manually on computer. Hope you can help with this- thanks

Can you please follow the steps showing in the link below, it sounds like you have an error log (shown as a yellow triangle ) that has now stopped the records migrating from the phone. Resetting the ... | Trap.NZ Help & User guides
If you are using an iPhone, the logs will be saved in your files folder and will need to be sent from there

Hi - thanks for your reply. We managed to get the data . It has now happened to another person while adding data on their phone. Is there any way to stop this happening another time ?

We are aware of this issue and are currently testing a new version of the app that will fix this. At this stage I’m not too sure of the timeframe for it going live. In the meantime please feel free to send the error logs exported as debug logs (JSON) to and we will repair them and add them into your project. It is important that after exporting the logs you complete a hard reset on your app. The instructions are linked in the comments above

Thanks for your reply. That’s good to hear that a new version of the app will solve the problem :slight_smile: