Deleting old photo when moving an installation

How do you delete an old photo when an installation is moved, please?

In the website, find the installation and click to edit it. Under the map is a “more” tab, once you click this you will find a images section where you can delete the image or change the image as needed. Don’t forget to save the changes


Thank you Lenore-admin.
That worked perfectly.
Related question if possible, what does the little 4 pointed icon like a cross mean?
Is there a way to rotate pictures once loaded?
Thank you.

The icon can be used when you have multiple images and want a specific one to be the image that shows on the installation page. You click and drag using the icon to move your preferred option to the top. After this you will need to select save to keep your changes.

@David_Hopkins You can’t rotate images unfortunately, however, if you take the image with your camera you can edit the image using your phones settings first then add it as a file

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Thank you.
Overall its been transformative to our project to record using this app.

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@David_Hopkins that’s great to hear. Thank you.