Detached supplementary trap showing on new app, how to retire it?

We had a trap with a supplementary trap. We’ve now moved and retired the main trap.

The supplementary trap is still showing on the new mobile app (android) but not on the web version. How can I remove it?

I don’t want to delete the supplementary trap since I would lose its records. There’s no option I can see to retire it.

@Nigel_Charman can you please email with your project name and the code of the supplementary trap? Not sure what is going on here but suspect that the trap has been retired OK but the app hasn’t refreshed the view…

If you refresh the project cache does the trap remain?

Actually - further to that - we can replicate the issue here so no need to respond - we’ll sort it out ASAP. Just leave the supplementary traps as they are - they will disappear once this as been addressed.

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