Difference between editor and read-only

Bit of a mix between a bug in the help and help understanding how it all works…

Has this been fixed yet?

As of February 2019 members who are using the Trap.NZ mobile app need to have “editor” status or the app won’t work properly. This will change with a future release of the app which will allow users of the app to be given permission to only update some traps.

If so, please edit https://trap.nz/help/new-members-seeing-traps to reflect this status.

The help could use some editing - I am still not 100% clear on the difference between read-only (a VERY badly phrased permission) and Editor roles.

Assuming the above is fixed, my staff run a roster and can be assigned to any line, I do not want them to have the ability to create a trap. Do I give them a read-only permission with every trap assigned to them, or do I give them an editor role? Is there any difference in functionality between editor and read-only-with-every-trap-assigned?

Hi Tom

Yes fixed.

  • Any member of a project can create and edit their own traps and stations in a project, or traps and stations that have been assigned to them.
  • A member with an Editor role can edit and add data to all traps and stations across a project.
  • A Read-only member only has read access to other traps and stations across a project (but can still edit their own or those assigned to them).

I hope that makes sense. If you have any ideas for better terms for the roles let us now.

If you have a small project and trust your members then giving them the Editor role makes things easier to administrate - they will have access to all traps.

Alternatively, you can leave them has plain or read-only members and assign traps to them by using the manage traps function. They will only be able to edit and add records to traps assigned to them.