Doubled up traps in App

Hi, my app shows a second trap attached to all my traps. I didn’t do this. The second trap doesn’t have the ability to ‘view on line’ - see pictures.
Any records created in the last few days are recorded in the second trap.
I can’t upload the most recent records to see if this will fix it.
Any help appreciated.

Has this resolved itself? I can’t see the double ups when accessing your project via the app

No didn’t. My app was still showing double ups.
I got another phone & loaded the app on that.
Reset everything & then eventually it showed single traps only.
It still wouldn’t load the data though &
I had to do it manually on the website.
I lost the pictures doing this.
I also go this message on the very last load - access denied.
I wonder if that affected it?

I saw this for the first time on 6/4/24 with one of the traps that I was entering data for showing double. I selected one of these and the data got into the database OK for that trap. On the same day though I lost data for all of the other traps and bait stations that I visited before that trap which was my last for the day. I did my rounds again today 4/5/24 and noticed 2 different traps showing double but the data was saved for those. The data I entered via the App for the other trap and 5 bait stations seems to have been lost again because it is still not in the database and I have been home with good reception for 5 hours.
I’m using the iphone Version 6.2.25 of the App now. I was using version 6.2.23 on 6/4/24. I had never had problems with my data being saved previously and last used the App successfully on 21/2/24. I normally keep my phone Apps fairly up to date.
I wondered whether using my phone camera might be causing a problem. On 6/4/24 I took a lot of photos but only a few today. I often get a white screen with just the + and - on the left and the filter icon and magnifying glass on the right and remember that happening a lot 6/4/24 and having to unload the App from memory and reopen it again to get the map with trap and bait stations back. I only had to do this once today. I also made a point of waking up the phone, closing the App then starting the camera App each time rather than holding down the camera icon on the lock screen which is what I normally do. This has been a minor issue for a long time but I never had problems with my data not getting to the database before 6/4/24 even though I was unloading the App from memory to get the display back occasionally.
If I go into the App now and select a trap or bait station that I visited today it shows in the top right corner the correct number of hours since I visited it. I also tried adding a new record through the App and received a warning that it would be the second record today before I saved it but neither record has reached the database that I am viewing on my laptop.
After entering data for my last bait station today I noticed that there were just 2 bars 3G reception and there was a symbol with “OFFLINE” beside it. This disappeared soon after. I have a number of screenshots that I could email if they would be helpful.

The problem occurred for me on an area with little or no reception where the yellow loading triangle appears a lot. I’ve never had an issue with data not loading once I’m back in reception.

@donsky can you please email your screenshots and export your project logs to I will look into this for you I have emailed you instructions for exporting your logs

Hi there,

I have a similar issue. When I install a new trap while offline (i.e. in an area with no reception), when I gain reception again another trap is added at the same location. Only visible on the app, on the website it just shows up as a single trap. We get around this by only adding records to one of the pair of traps, so one of them just shows as No records, but I need to check if the duplicate trap is being included in our total trap tally, or if the records are being uploaded correctly.

OK, I just had a look at the traps records on the website, and weirdly it appears that with these double ups the trap that is visible on the website is the one without any records. In the app, if I click on the trap that does have records, and view it online, I can see those records. If I click on the trap that has no records, and view it online, indeed there are no records. But on the website, where there is only one trap visible, it has no records. So I’m not sure if the data is being recorded correctly, which is concerning.
Any help with this would be great, thanks.

@Myles_Mackintosh can you please export your debug (JSON) project logs that contain the double ups and send them to