Error when deleting bait station record

I was in the Manage Bait Station Records screen. I sorted on ‘Added’ in descending order. I saw there were a few records where nothing was entered in the added field. So I decided to just delete the record. And so I clicked the date, which brought up the text in the top left of the screen. And then I clicked the delete button. And it took me to the homepage for When I then clicked the back button in my browser, I got this:

Kia ora,

The url your browser has taken you back to, is to delete that specific record that you’ve just deleted, so the url doesn’t work anymore because the record no longer exists. However, the main issue here is that redirecting users to the homepage after they’ve deleted something isn’t helpful - we’ve got a task lined up to redirect users back to the screen they were on before choosing to delete something, which will hopefully avoid this sort of thing in future!

Ngā mihi,
The Trap.NZ Team

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