Exporting trap records to another trap

I thought this would be simple, but find the exported records cannot be imported as the formats are not compatible with the import format. For example the date format.
“Trap Code”,“Trap ID”,“Date”,“Which trap”,“Recorded by”,“Species caught”,“Strikes”,“Status”,“Rebaited”,“Bait type”,“Bait details”,“Trap condition”,“Images”,“Notes”
“Conclusion Walkway 5 old”,“381044”,“6 Aug 2022 - 17:31”,“”,“Robin Chesterfield”,“None”,“0”,“Still set, bait bad”,“No”,“None”,“”,“OK”,“”,“”
“Conclusion Walkway 5 old”,“381044”,“13 Jul 2022 - 11:55”,“”,“Robin Chesterfield”,“None”,“0”,“Still set, bait bad”,“Yes”,“Peanut butter”,“”,“OK”,“”,“”
“Conclusion Walkway 5 old”,“381044”,“22 Jun 2022 - 17:29”,“”,“Robin Chesterfield”,“None”,“0”,“Still set, bait bad”,“Yes”,“Peanut butter”,“”,“OK”,“”,“”
“Conclusion Walkway 5 old”,“381044”,“22 Apr 2022 - 17:50”,“”,“Robin Chesterfield”,“None”,“0”,“Still set, bait bad”,“Yes”,“Peanut butter”,“”,“OK”,“”,“”
“Conclusion Walkway 5 old”,“381044”,“7 Apr 2022 - 21:18”,“”,“Robin Chesterfield”,“None”,“0”,“Still set, bait missing”,“Yes”,“Peanut butter”,“”,“OK”,“”,“”

  • Row 1 skipped because ‘date’ had an invalid date (6 Aug 2022 - 17:31).
  • Row with empty trap Code field found. Ignoring row.
  • Row 2 skipped because ‘date’ had an invalid date (13 Jul 2022 - 11:55).
  • Row with empty trap Code field found. Ignoring row.
  • Row 3 skipped because ‘date’ had an invalid date (22 Jun 2022 - 17:29).
  • Row with empty trap Code field found. Ignoring row.
  • Row 4 skipped because ‘date’ had an invalid date (22 Apr 2022 - 17:50).
  • Row with empty trap Code field found. Ignoring row.
  • Row 5 skipped because ‘date’ had an invalid date (7 Apr 2022 - 21:18).
  • Row with empty trap Code field found. Ignoring row.
  • Row 6 skipped because ‘date’ had an invalid date (20 Mar 2022 - 20:56).
  • Row with empty trap Code field found. Ignoring row.
  • Row 7 skipped because ‘date’ had an invalid date (7 Mar 2022 - 11:51).
  • Row with empty trap Code field found. Ignoring row.
  • Row 8 skipped because ‘date’ had an invalid date (21 Feb 2022 - 21:48).
  • Row with empty trap Code field found. Ignoring row.
  • Row 9 skipped because ‘date’ had an invalid date (26 Jan 2022 - 20:48).
  • Row with empty trap Code field found. Ignoring row.

Changed date format for one record

  • Row with empty trap Code field found. Ignoring row.
  • There are no new nodes.

@chesterfield When importing data it has to be in the format/wording used in trap.nz I have pasted a couple of links here for you to refer to that may help https://trap.nz/import/trap_record_import and Converting a spreadshe... | Trap.NZ Help & User guides I hope this helps

I have used import for bulk upload in the past. I was pointing out that an exported csv of trap records is not in the correct format for importing. Why does the export format differ from the import format?

@chesterfield thanks for drawing that to our attention, The tech team will work to fix that, however, I can’t give you a time frame sorry

I am confused about the timing of these posts as I thought I read them an hour ago but they are saying 3m now. I just did an export and noted that the csv file has the date correctly formatted. If I open in Excel the spreadsheet reformats the date to align with my preferences. If I then export as csv the reformatted date is written out.
For Excel you change the number format for the column to “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm” use a custom format if that is not already an option.

@simonzmapper That’s good to know I’ll let the tech team know as they were going to look into it

When I opened the exported file in Note pad it was indicating “6 Aug 2022 - 17:31”, and also when opened in Open Office the same. but as text which was a fiddle to format to the correct format.

Good to know for future reference

Sorry, I was exporting from a different screen. You were exporting records for a single trap I was using the manage trap records screen, exporting records for a trap line, these exported with correct date format.
If I go to traps and list the traps, then select one trap and export records for that trap the date format is incorrect.