Fault in "retire" button on phone app

Kia ora,
I can no longer “retire” stations from the phone app since before Christmas. I can retire from the website fine. I have tried logging out and back in and it doesn’t fix the fault. Version 6.3.12 (496).
Edit: Samsung A34 phone.
Ngā mihi,

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@emma.whitton see updating your version of the phone app helps

Kia ora Lenore,
The version 6.3.12 isn’t the most recent version? I’ve just checked on the play store and that’s the newest version for Android. Looks like these issues I’m experiencing happened around the latest release (2nd Dec 2024), time frame speaking. I could be looking at the wrong information though.
Ngā mihi,

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Thanks Emma, you are correct. A fix due in a day or two.

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Thanks Andy. Hopefully some of the other faults I’m experiencing get fixed too? I notice that the phone app isn’t saving records like it used too, before the update. I regularly have to go back into the phone app, sign in and out, to get a record to save against stations. I generally use the app every day, so I’m hoping this isn’t a long-term issue. My cell phone service, provider and location hasn’t changed, so I think this may be part of the update issues.

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You’re having a few issues aye?