Fields visible in Manage Traps tab

In the manage traps tab, there might be dozens of pages of traps. By default, they’re sorted by ‘Last Record’ and filterable by seven different fields.

The problem is that only fields that are populated appear on that first page. But that creates a problem if I want to sort by a different field. In my case, I want to sort by ‘Sensor ID’. That’s not a populated field in the first page and it’s not a filterable field. So I end up having to scroll through page after page until I find a trap with a sensor. Only then can I sort by ‘Sensor ID’. (Yes, I know that there’s a Sensor report but I can’t then manage those traps from that report).

It would be preferable if, on the first page of ‘Manage traps’ ALL fields were visible so that any of them can be sorted. After the first page, just the populated fields for that page can be displayed. I then know that if I need to sort on a non-visible field, I just need to go back to the first page.

Thanks for listening!
