I’ve taken over management of a few projects where the previous users have been marking traps as disabled when they’ve removed traps with the possibility of replacing them. In most cases they’ve left markers out where the traps were. While I know I can retire/unretire traps, it’s actually been fairly useful to have the markers still present but greyed out on the map for when I’ve either reinstated a trap or collected all the rubbish in before retiring the installation. I’ve since used the disable feature in someone else’s project as they’ve had a line that had stopped receiving checks and some traps are present and others aren’t, so I’ve just greyed out all the traps until someone can go around and confirm the traps have been removed.
It recently came up that someone wanted to download a kml with only the not disabled traps and I couldn’t find a way to easily to easily do this.
What I would like is an option added to the website’s filter that currently filters active/retired, line, trap name etc. to also be able to filter by disabled/not disabled. Alternatively, this could be “most recent trap status”