'Gas empty' trap record option for A24 traps

Can we please get a drop down option added to record when an A24 trap has a flat or empty gas canister when checked?

It would also be good to include battery level for the AT220 traps.

As a relative newcomer to the App, I’m a bit late in picking up this point. However, the AT220 and to some extent the A24 trap recordings present a problem when more than one pest species kill is found on the same visit as well as the matter of recording gas outage. We record only rat, possum, and mustelid kills, but when one trap has mulltiple species, the only way I can deal with it is to run another entry per trap with a different (therefore false) date.
Tuateawa Actuary

@actuary you can add other catches both via the phone app and website using the same date, it will prompt you to check if you are wanting to add a second catch but if you record yes it will record another catch on the same day. I hope this helps

I have a “chirp” fitted to my A24’s so get the time and date of each strike downloaded to my phone. I use these dates and times when I input the catches, often having to be “Unspecified” if the kill has been removed. I had 2 strikes on one trap recently before I checked it but the appearance of the dead mouse remaining suggested that it was the earlier strike.
I understand that the AT220 also records data on it’s strikes and can differentuate between species using an accelerometer on the trap.

How about using the “regassed” option for “Trap Condition”

Half useful, as will often re-gas the whole line if it’s been more than a year since gas replacement, doesn’t allow recording which ones were empty or still had some gas though.

I understand now thanks.
After reporting Trap Condition ‘Gas empty’ would you then add another trap record ‘regassed’ ?
or would it be better to amend the current ‘regassed’ to ‘Gas low, regassed’ and make the new option ‘Gas empty, regassed’ or similar to cover both conditions in one record?
The last couple of times that I’ve replaced the gas canister I’ve done some test fires to check that it was still working which I assume is what you’ve done or do you weigh or determine how much gas was remaining some other way?