I noticed today that when I run the ‘Trap Records’ report with status ‘sprung’ to see which lures are having success, many of the records have “none” in the “initial bait” column. As far as I can see, this is happening when the trap was not relured on the previous visit.
I had thought that when you enter a trap record and select that the bait is OK and you haven’t relured, the lure type from the previous visit would automatically carry over to all following visits till you either relure or have missing bait, but it looks like that isn’t what’s been happening!
Is this a user error, where I should be doing something differently when I enter my data and it’s caused the lure to enter incorrectly as “none”, or is it a software issue?
@christina.g looking at the records it is predominantly one of the members who is getting this in the records. It would be good to see what their trap.nz practise is and why this is showing in their records. If you’d like to know more contact me on support@trap.nz
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In case anyone else is having this issue, my current work-around is to manually edit any lure types of “none” back to what they should be. In order for this to propagate into later records, though, I have to perform some kind of edit/save combination with each newer record - even if it’s just opening the record in ‘edit’ mode and then saving without making any changes. Otherwise the ‘previous bait type’ field stays as ‘none’.
I still don’t know why adding a “bait OK”/“not relured” combo in new catch records is giving me a default lure type of “none” instead of autofilling from the previous record, though. @lenore-admin, unfortunately the app changes I mentioned in my email don’t seem to have fixed the issue after all - the ‘lure type’ box is hidden now, but not-relured records still have a lure of “none” when I check them on the website.
@christina.g the previous bait type - none, was a bug and a fix has been released this week for it so it should now show the correct previous bait type
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