July 22, International day of rat catchers

This might be a great time to celebrate your project’s “master rat catchers”

In shadows deep where silence reigns,
The forest whispers ancient strains.
Where verdant leaves in soft repose,
Guard secrets only the wild knows.

Yet danger lurks in midnight’s shroud,
A thief with whiskers, swift and proud.
A rat, relentless, gnawing fear,
Brings havoc to what we hold dear.

But in the heart of daring souls,
A vow to keep the wild whole.
With hands that weave through fern and vine,
To catch the thief, to halt the crime.

With gentle touch and steady gaze,
We save the woods from darkening days.
For in each rat, a tale is spun,
Of balance kept and battles won.

So let us chase the shadows fleet,
Restore the woods, with hearts replete.
For every creature, great or small,
In harmony, our world stands tall.


Love it thank you :heart:

Great poem! Who wrote it?

@rogerxnz we’re a talented bunch in the trap.nz team