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Is there any information or studies available on the “bait taken” quantities from bait-stations equating to an estimated kill rate. (Rats and mice mainly)?

Trying to justify the cost of bait distribution and the benefits thereof, sometimes needs some sort of researched or calculated evidence.
Anecdotal evidence of the fact that bird life increases, the bush and plant regeneration excellerates and visible dead rodents in the controlled areas, is not always convincing enough to financiers not physically involved in the controlled sites.
In the interest of maintaining ongoing, financial investment, it would be nice to quote some sort of well founded numbers.

Perhaps Look at islands such as Kapiti that have been predator free for decades now to see the impact of removing the predators. I was lucky enough to go there recently and a “mob” of kereru flew over, there would have been approx 30 all hanging out together. the plant species have flourished as well as the bird life. Perhaps contact DOC they will hopefully have documented evidence to show the impact removing these species from NZ will have. There’s also a thread here in the forms regarding the amount off bait taken per kill if that helps you

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