Meatlovers bait

I’ve been using the meatlovers paste instead of peanut butter in our victor and TRex traps as it does not go mouldy. Is there any data to say how long it is effective. How often should I be replacing it, once a week, fortnight or monthly.


What is meatlovers paste?

Goodnature makes a paste called meat lovers for rats and stoats

Glad you asked, and thanks psimkins for this info.

Meat Lovers’ stays attractive to predators for a long time. Even in the depths of winter, it takes months to go moldy, because it doesn’t contain any water or many nutrients for molds to feed on. When it does go moldy, it’s only a very thin, whitish layer that doesn’t deter the predators here from eating through it. If you find any that’s gone moldy, just apply a fresh layer on top of it. Meat Lovers’ is a long-lasting lure, so there’s no need to replace it regularly, especially when it’s in the bait cup of a T-Rex. Only re-lure your T-Rexes when it’s been eaten. This will save you a lot of time and money and reduce a lot of plastic waste.

Instead of swapping PB for Meat Lovers’, I recommend coating PB with it. PB is attractive on its own, of course, and the predators here love Meat Lovers’. PB is protected from the elements by the Meat Lovers’ and the insects here haven’t shown any interest in it or the PB underneath.

Another good reason to combine the lures, is that Meat Lovers’ is easier for predators to eat than PB, because it has a thinner texture. After easily licking up the Meat Lover’s, they’ll have a harder time eating the PB.

Good luck!

You’re right it last for ages but does it still have a scent that attracts the rats and stoats or does that diminish over time?

The scent of Meat Lovers’ will decrease over time, but the rate will be far slower than conventional lures, because they’re designed to remain attractive to predators for up to 6 months. Because Meat Lovers’ mimics the scent of fresh blood, it will always be attractive to scavenging predators, even when it’s pretty old. It couldn’t hurt to give your bait cups a thin, fresh coating of Meat Lovers’ once a month, but you’d be wasting your time cleaning out your bait cups.
