Missing trap event records for 5th Sept 2024

Project: Taitonga - Te Papakura o Taranaki.

Line: Konini. (The one that runs east from the Hunters’ track to the boundary south of Pembroke Road; apparently there is another small Konini line near Konini lodge. Argh!)

Reports: Trap records, Trap records with map.

I serviced the DOC200 traps KON1 to KON11, and the KONF (DOC250) traps in between them, on the 5th, using the iPhone app as I went. (I spent more time clearing brush and re-tagging track than anticipated, therefore not completing the line.)

On the night of the 5th after I returned home those events showed up in the trap records reports.
But they are not visible now.

Other trap events of mine on that day on a different line, the Boundary Pembroke - Waingongoro line, are still present. I serviced only a few traps on that line and the rest were done that day by a different trapper, Marie, and she did her data entry on a PC the next day, I think.

It’s only a few records missing, but it’s still a worry.

@gregvp I can only see four records for the Kon on the 4th of September. How many are you expecting to see, I will get the developers to look into it and see how they have disappeared

@lenore-admin Eleven or twelve records for Konini. I started at the Boundary and went up, but I misssed one trap I think.

Just to confirm, when you checked in the evening after servicing the traps all the records showed on the website?

Yes, that’s right. Everything I had put in was there, including the notes.

Kia ora @gregvp can you please contact me through support@trap.nz I need to ask a few more questions

This is now resolved. Thank you, @lenore-admin, for all your work!

@gregvp I’m glad to hear that, we do have your records if you were still needing to add them back into the project

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@lenore-admin Thanks! Gabriel Field or Ellen Squire from DOC Taranaki might be in contact with you about this, via your support email.

@gregvp it would be good to chat to them

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