Monthly changelog announcement 2024 - 09- 30


  • 0.8.1 Trap Sensor Report - Trap sensor records by one or more projects. Filters for line, date, status, event, sensor provider, battery and signal levels
  • Closed Beta - QR Code / NFC support for Traps. If you’d like to try this out on your project contact support. A QR Code will appear on the trap pages that can be enlarged. It can be printed on a label and placed on a trap / scanned directly on the screen. When scanned it will open the trap directly on your phone. If you are also on the current Mobile App beta this will open the trap directly on the app instead - this same code will work on NFC tags if you have the app. There is a small flow of what a user will see when they scan the tag depending on their access with in your Project and to that Trap, and whether the Project is publicly viewable or not. Official help documentation coming soon.
  • Bulk actions for adding and removing project-specific terms on the management pages
  • Project ID added to map feed attributes for Traps, Bait Stations, And Monitoring
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