Monthly changelog 2024-03-28


  • On project list page your role will now be listed as ‘Pending’ if you have not yet been approved to access a project.
  • The trap record, bait station record, and monitoring station record importers will now allow you to specify an installation type to help narrow down what station your records belong to. This is to assist in situations where installation renames are reused across a line and project.
  • Monitoring Record importer - fixed bug in which sometimes the wrong bait type lure would be selected based on a partial text match. This importer now behaves like the Trap and Bait station record importers when selecting the lure.
  • Large number of underlying refactoring and speed improvements to views and material views on the database to further improve performance


  • v6.2.23 Released
  • Core system upgrade
  • App now supports bait sensors
  • Marginal coverage syncing issues resolved
  • Installation code auto-suffixing
  • General bug fixes