Moving an installation

I do like the new “Help” that is being developed. I have just successfully moved some installations using the instructions, using

many thanks. But there the notes don’t tell us how to then redraw the line after the installation is moved. Intuition says click and drag, but that doesn’t work. I wonder why, if the line is made by click-to-point, the line doesn’t move with the point.

Please could that help screen continue on how to move or redraw the line without having to delete it and start all over again?

Kia ora Jo,

There is an ‘Edit Lines’ help page covering this.

The help ‘search box’ is really handy for finding the obscure subjects:

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Thanks Andy, that helps part of the problem.

It would be helpful to add a link after the “moving installations” page, with the other links? - because we will (almost) always need to redraw the line after moving an installation if the system does not automatically do that as part of the move.

But what I don’t know, & the help doesn’t cover, is whether I have to start over, ie delete the whole line & recreate it, or I can just draw the line and the old one will drop away. I presume the basic line does not change, ie which installations are on it, their type, weight, etc,. I also presume we cannot just redo the parts of the line that have moved, It would be good if the help page was explicit about the additional steps involved when re-drawing a line on the map.

Still, click and drag (the installation and the line) makes more sense to me…
Thanks for your advice,

Kia ora Jo,

Yes, you can edit an existing line without deleting it. It is covered in the short video on that help page. Here is a short cut to the pertinent info.

Actually only 40% of projects even have a line (many ways to trap/bait.) I do agree though, for someone moving a line installation, the next step is probably adjusting the line.

In practice ‘clicking and dragging’ an installation, and moving the line automatically doesn’t end well - in most cases it needs manual editing afterwards. For example lines are very rarely direct path from one installation to another.

If you want a really accurate track your best bet is to use the ‘walk the line feature’ and collect the actually track walked from the Line record ( You can use that geo data as the basis of your line (drop it into the geo field.) Invariably you will still want to edit it though as it will more than likely have too much detail (like the inevitable detour to pick up someones else’s rubbish.)

Perhaps a feature request to automate that?

Ngā mihi,

Hi Andy
Many thanks, the lines are now moved and the installations too where needed.
I did search for Help, but used “redraw” and similar terms to try to get to revisions of existing lines rather than new lines.
Thanks for your help,

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Looks like you have sorted your main question.

I’d just add a note that for moving traps there is the option to “Retire” a trap, and then create a new trap with the same name in the new location - The benefit of this method is this allows you to store the kill/check trap records of that location. (Otherwise it will seem like all events occurred at the new location)

Retired traps are able to be filtered by the “Active/Retired” filter when you manage your traps

If you are interested in this method you can edit an existing trap and click a checkbox there to retire it. (Its a reversible action so if you move a trap back and forth between a few spots you can pull it out of retirement :slight_smile:

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