New trap overview page

Scott has been working on improving the trap overview page which we hope will replace the current page soon. You can get a sneak preview here:
(select your project first)

There’s a short video here highlighting some of its features.

Any feedback welcome - add your comments to this post!

Nice!! I like that I can zoom a bit closer (for some of the ridiculously dense trapping I have around the house). Choosing to view/edit/add catch saves an extra click for single catches. Thanks.

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Some great new features on this and it’s handy that you can angle the map view. One concern though is that when the map is zoomed out all the traps start to merge into joint numbered lumps. This makes it impossible to assess coverage and determine where gaps in coverage are, which is something we need to do often in our possum eradication project. Is there an option to turn off this trap lumping feature and keep them as individual traps?


Would it make sense to have a tick box Filter that filters the table to only list the traps within the current map view?


That is cool, I didn’t notice that at first but you can change the angle by holding ‘CTRL’ and dragging (and click arrow under the zoom buttons to face north again)

Thanks all. We’ll see if we can add a switch to toggle from a clustered view to having all traps visible. @j40gryphon - that would be a nice feature to restrict the table to the installations visible in the view but would be a bit of a challenge here. In future though we hope to be able to provide the ability to select installations based on a user-defined polygon (e.g. be able to select a bunch of traps by drawing around them).


+1 for a toggle for clustered view.

Compared with previously it appears the download .csv seems to be missing. Or is it there somewhere?

I like the auto zoom feature that captures all sites in our project area, and the updated photography.
One thing I noticed immediately was that all 9 of our Econode traps were pulsing grey rings rather that blue (set) or orange (sprung). Fortunately, the old view still has this functionality. Is there something we need to reset in New View?

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The old version was very clear on indicating if a parcel was on Regional Park Land, and I really loved this. It is quite important for us to know whether we are on private land or regional park in term of seeking landowner permission for trapping or baiting.
Please keep that Regional Park boundaries feature on! Thanks!

I like the new overview page.
Unfortunately, the new trap overview page is missing trap status for sensor traps like the old map has. Can the white radiating circle for the sensors traps be made green and red radiating circles like on the mobile app. Also, it would be good to have an orange (or grey) radiating circles to indicate sensors that are overdue to report or have any other fault status. Cheers

The new page doesn’t appear to have the row weightings. This is important to determine the sort order in the app in list view.

New user here in 2023. After reading the documentation and a fair amount of head-scratching I managed to switch to the old view in order to rearrange the sort order for the traps in my line.

After watching the video I’m still not sure if I can do this using the new view or not.

kia ora @family_kerse the only way to currently sort the traps is through the old way, we are doing a lot of maintenance behind the scenes and this will eventually be available through another section of the website. but if you ever need to email and we’re happy to help

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