One Off as a monitor tool

I like the new “One Off Pest” feature. I’m wondering if it can be enhanced slightly to be useful as a ‘One Off Monitor’ feature as well.

The scenario is - you’re in the forest with a kiwi dog and the dog finds a kiwi. It would be very useful to be able to easily record the find along with “interesting” information such as life stage, sex, health condition, founder/non-founder, runner, dog name, etc. One Off could be useful for this.

At present an alternative is to add a new Monitoring Type in the project’s Group Terms (e.g., Dog Rover). Then when a bird is discovered, install that monitor type at the discovery location. Then immediately add a monitor record for the bird at that new monitor point.

Anyone have any clever ideas how to solve this?

Having looked at how the one-off kill records are created e.g., trap created > record made on trap > trap immediately retired. This should be reproducible with monitoring stations and monitoring records. You’ve got my vote, as this would be great for scat detections as well. I’m working on a (very) rudimentary phone app to try and achieve this using the api. At least until such time as it’s added on both web and phone platforms.

Hi @j40gryphon @pest-tech,

‘Observation’, and ‘Activity’ features are in development on the back of the Adhoc features.


Hi Andy,

Thanks for letting us know. Is there anywhere people can access a list of what’s in development right now?