Rabbit kill traps?

Hi all! We have a largeish property with a small paddock area which is becoming overrun with rabbits. We have dogs and cows nearby (though the cows may soon have to get gone because they have no food left!). Are there any humane kill traps that we can set up for the rabbits? What little I’ve read about pindone makes me want to avoid that method if possible, and we don’t have a gun. Thoughts/advice/recommendations appreciated! Thanks :slight_smile:

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I have been trapping rabbits in my rural/residential section for the last five years – lawn digging rabbits that caused a lot of damage. My neighbour has a similar section but a view down to the estuary – so a clear shooting range. Together we just about have them beat – just one rabbit shot this year but a few still being seen.
I know that some of you will cry out in horror about someone using Fenn6 traps that are not NAWAC approved – but trapping is often about using a practical solution. Many NAWAC approved traps still produce awful results with wounded animals.
I have two Fenn6 traps in very basic tunnels – 150mm pipe and 15025 planks – a core flute cover over a gap in the middle for the trap and some dirt over them to resemble a rabbit tunnel. I have trapped many animals such as rats, hedge hogs, ferrets, and rabbits – not ideal for a one acre back yard so they have to go.
In my farming days, I intensively trapped pest animals and a source of rabbit meat for the doc250 traps was a Fenn6 inside a drainage pipe – washed out by rain and tripped by rabbits – rabbits love pipes.
A friend in the Feilding area is reverting a 10-acre block to native – young plants chewed out by rabbits – until he set up a network of Fenn6 traps in 150
25 tunnels – visiting rabbits now well controlled.
The Fenn6 trap is an amazing device – old and rusty but with a unique brass trigger – no lure required – just sits and waits for the next victim. Can be hard on fingers so learn to use them carefully and understand how to release the springs to remove a hedgehog
Pindone is a waste of time – a rabbit has to eat a large number of pieces to kill them – I have been told by a supplier – 20 pieces. If you can find an active burrow – Magtoxin fumigant will kill them, but you need to be a licenced applicator to purchase it.
Good luck with the rabbits.

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I’ve unintentionally trapped some rabbits, and a few hares, in my Timms traps when I’ve used cinnamon-coated apples or feijoas as a possum lure. The kills all appeared to be humane.

I don’t know if it would be appropriate to use Timms traps for rabbit control, though. Have you contacted your council for advice?


I believe you can purchase small quantities without a license, at least you could, and it is still advertised as such.

In our experience magtoxin is hit and miss (like my shooting) and success depends a lot on the burrow structure. It aligns with this from Otago Regional Council:

“If used correctly, fumigation will kill all rabbits in a burrow. When rabbits
are seen to go to ground during rabbit control operations, such as
nightshooting or Dog and Gun, they should be fumigated. Please note that
rabbits in situations such as in piles of rocks or under buildings are difficult
to control by fumigation and alternative methods should be used.”

My two cents, I don’t know anyone who has made a dent in the rabbit population with kill traps.

A decent air rifle and a rabbit pie recipe :wink:

Thanks Mindie. I’ll have a think about how I might be able to make a rabbit trap based on your photos.

Thanks Andy. Our single paddock is ringed by bush, and for the last few years we haven’t had any rabbits at all. I suspect/hope/pray that if we could get on top of the ones here then we’d be set. I’ll have to make time to hunt out burrows and see if fumigation is an option. The soil is soft, so no problems with rocky terrain. The rabbits are really bold, they don’t run from us at all, so might be best to find someone whose a good shot and get them all before they learn about rabbit pie!

Thanks :slight_smile: I hadn’t thought of asking our local council, but Waikato RC recommends shooting or pindone.