Saving data on phone app using 'Walk Line' option

I had just checked a trap line using the ‘Walk Line’ option in the phone app. I did a ‘Submit Line’ to save the data collected for the traps back to the database. This completed ‘successfully’.
Unbeknownst to me my cell phone had dropped out of the cellular network just before I did the ‘Submit Line’. I realised this when I tried to make a cell call and was told I was offline to the cellular network. I had to restart the cell phone to recover and get onto the cellular network to make a call.
Getting home I found that although the Submit Line completed successfully the data was not saved to the database. This was because the trap line database was offline due to my phone dropping off the cellular network. The app should Not have allowed the ‘Submit line’ to complete. It should have recognized the database was offline and have comeback with an error to say the database is offline, try later. This error resulted in the loss of the data collected for the trap line.

As an aside is the data still on the cellphone after a ‘Submit line’ is performed and if so how can I access it?

Kia ora @jb1 When you select submit line, it will save into your logs for when you are back in reception, (check in the logs to ensure they are there, if they have a cloud beside the entries it shows they haven’t sync’d with the website, if there is no cloud it has already been sent to your project) If you have the cloud icon you can use the synchronise now tab in the Cloud icon on the map of the latest version of the app or under Project settings of the last version of the app.


Hi Lenore,
Thanks very much for pointing out the log data. I have synchronized this data and it successfully updated for that day. However, what I didn’t realise is that I had a similar problem earlier in the month, eg on 4th August and there are some other log entries which still have a cloud with up arrow against them. These are not getting synchronised. Short of reading the log entries and manually updating the database from the web, is there any way to force these to synchronize? alternatively I see an export log function. Can I export the logs, edit out the already synchronized entries and import the remaining into the database from the web?

Finally, would it be possible to have the Submit line function stop in these cases with a message like database unavailable, try later?? At the moment you don’t realise the submit is not occurring and only find out if you check the database on the web to see the records are not there.

Many thanks, John

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@jb1 export the debug logs and csv logs to me at and I will see if I can add them into your project for you. Once you have done this and all the logs have been sent, it wouldn’t hurt for you to perform a hard reset of your phone (when in reception) and also install the latest version of the app if you haven’t done so in the last week or so.
When you press the submit line, it should then sync up to the website when you are in reception, Some projects are out of reception, so often members add multiple lines without it syncing until they are back in reception. For this reason we wouldn’t want it to give a message like try again later.

Ok Thanks Lenore understood.
I guess my problem is why weren’t these entries synching? I just checked another project and saw un-synched records for 8th August. I powered off the phone and got back into (already latest version) and tried the Sync function for it, which worked. I went back to the other project and have tried Sync. I’ll let you know the results if it works this time, otherwise I’ll send you the logs you requested.

Hi Lenore,
I’m sending you an email regarding this issue.
Thanks, John

Hi Lenore,
Thanks for the offline zoom meeting. I have updated the entries for the 4th August manually and uninstalled/reinstalled the phone app. Hopefully this will resolve the issue where the phone updates are
not updating the database after Submit Line. I’ll let you know if I have any further issues.

@jb1 I’m sure that will have resolved the issues, but, please get back to me if you still have problems