Says Offline, I have 4 Bars

I’m finding that I often can’t sync when I’m in the field. 4 bars of signal here, but thinks I’m offline:

I’m also finding that not 1 bait station or trap is shown in the screen until they’ve all synced. And the syncing just goes on and on. So I click the button and choose ‘Sync Now’ which does work after a short time.

Version 6.3.12 (496)

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@davidnblake36 try updating to the latest version 6.3.14 also check in the cloud icon that you haven’t accidentlally toggled the synching off.

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Ok, I’ve updated.

No I haven’t turned off auto syncing.

I’ll let you know if it continues to be a problem.

Hi David,

Your phone shows H+ at the top which means it is operating on 3G rather than 4G.
3G is being phased out later this year I believe, best to check with your provider, but getting a reliable connection on 3G might be challenging as it goes through the phase.

Well I guess it grabs whatever connection it can. Sometimes it says 5G out there, which surprises me since it’s so rural.