Sundry ideas for the website revisited

I have some ideas for a more customised and reliable trapnz website, noted again here to seek feedback. Most of the ideas shouldn’t involve a lot of coding, or were features that were there in earlier versions of the site.

  1. The monthly catch chart report should be able to remember your preferences from the last time you viewed the report, and that means you’re probably not that interested in how many times you checked a trap and saw nothing. This useful feature has been discontinued a few months ago, so the code should still be there to reactivate. There might be other reports that would benefit from this.
  2. We have a flexible trap checking system, and I like to use the website for data entry without a trap line feature. Could we possibly get a macro type function to allow one button in the trap data entry area which is customised by each user, along the lines of “I checked trap xx just now, no catch, I replaced the bait with yy”, and save the record.
  3. Beeps of different types to let us know when good and bad actions are happening, should be a simple fix to reduce errors in data entry. Optional feature.
  4. Don’t allow anyone to enter trap data into the future. Make sure debouncing of data saving is wide enough to stop double entries of the same catch.
  5. Could we have different colour/shape options for the trap icons, so we can locate Possum, TREX/Victor and DOC200 trap points on the maps, for example?
