Trap double ups on iPhone only

On my iPhone, which I use for recording data, all my traps, regardless of type, have recently started behaving like double traps. When I click on the triangle, I get two connected triangles, like I expect for my double DOC200s. My double DOC200s split into 4 triangles.

The traps all look and behave correctly on the iPad, and website. The kill records seem to be saving correctly.

I have updated the apps on both mobile devices.

@derektearne are you able to let me know the version of the app you are using. (you will find this in the menu- About section of the app

iPhone and iPad app - both are version 6.3.9 (483)

Logged in as the same user.

@derektearne if you synchronise your project (from the cloud icon on the app project map) it should get rid of the double up

I have synchronised, and closed down the app.

The double up persists.

Deleting the app, and reinstalling seems to have fixed the issue.

@derektearne that’s good to hear.