Hi. I’ve been set up as an ‘advanced trapper’ by the administrator for a trap line (Wellington Botanic Gardens North and South lines). My status was changed from ‘trapper’ as I could not see the trap locations (only the lines themselves). The change enabled the traps to be visible when I logged on at the web site. However, my Trap NZ app continues to not display the trap locations. Any ideas? I have tried deleting the app and reinstalling to no avail.
Hi Mark,
Take a look at the help docs for this one. You’ll need to be a manager or have the installations assigned to you for use in the app:
Thanks Andy! I now have ‘manager’ designation and it works. Strange though that I need such a senior profile to have the locations on app! Mark
Elevating your role to manager just so you can see all installations is jumping hoops, and not the advised way to resolve it.
The expectation is that trappers should only ever see (via the app) their own installations or those that have been assigned to them (particular lines for example.)
Why on earth would that be? We often swap around on various lines if they have not been done. The expectation is that everyone on the project can see all the lines.
I have a similar problem where one Advanced trapper ( works elsewhere on a project for DoC) can see all our project lines ( Tasman Valley Extension) and traps apart from the one around his place at White Horse Hill. Logged in as him we can see the trap details and line details (map) on laptops but not on his phone or any other phone ( iphone and Android). On his phone it looks like this
Why on earth would that be? We often swap around on various lines if they have not been done. The expectation is that everyone on the project can see all the lines.
There are thousands of projects registered on Trap.nz all with different requirements, particularly when it comes to privacy and security. There are many large projects spanning private and public land with assets owned by individuals. Over 50% of the country is owned privately and many - if not most - are happy to share their data anonymously, but aren’t happy to share the exact location and catch records.
You’re describing a requirement that is specific to your project. Given your expectation is everyone on the project can see all the lines it is probably the case you can elevate everyone to manager status (review the roles if unsure of the risks.) If that is not the case then you can assign all installations to all members.
Ideally you could assign lines to trappers, but currently you have to filter installations that belong to a given line, then assign those. This has many limitations including no dynamic updating of assigned installations (i.e. traps later added to the line.) There is work in our development roadmap to address this.
Hope that helps,
I appreciate this is a bit of a necro-post, but…
I found this page because I have just started with local tapping group, and was confused by no traps showing up in the app.
I fully understand privacy concerns. Logically, if there is a privacy concern that prevents users seeing trap locations in the app, then that same concern should apply equally to the web portal. So, what I don’t understand, is why the different platforms take different approaches to showing trap locations.
That’s a really valid point, unfortunately the two platforms we use run on different operating systems, it is our goal to standardise the two, however, there is no timeline for that
Thank you for the update. I’m glad to hear that there is no objection, in principle, to equality of functionality between the interfaces.
I understand the challenges, and the limitations imposed by resources and priorities. Time for patience then, happy in the knowledge it’s on the roadmap.
Thanks again.