Trap Performance Report


I’m not sure if this reporting feature already exists or not but is there a way to generate a report which lists traps that are potentially not performing well (e.g. 0 catches over X amount of time)? A quickly generated report would be super helpful in our trap servicing and reviews.

We have multiple people checking our traplines so these types of things are not necessarily picked up on easily in the field.


kia ora @ranger_hoiho a lot of the reports allow you to filter by the type of trap and select dates, this can then be compared to another search.

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Definitely recommend the ‘Corrected catch rate’ report. It will give you the catch rate per 100 trap nights. Unfortunately you cannot filter by trap type for each report, which would be a useful feature as some trap types can skew the numbers. This report will give you the average (mean) catch rate for a given time period, and you can pick out traps with low performance.