Trap Removed Category

Can we have a new category in Trap Status for Trap Removed when the trap is physically removed from the location to be relocated elsewhere?

In this situation, we “retire” the trap site then install a new trap site at the new location. works on the premise that the records stay with the site, so you don’t move a “trap” to a new location - you retire the trap and install a new trap in the new location, even though it is the same trap. I have put in a feature request to rename the field “trap number/code” to “Site number/code” to clear up the confusion and requested a separate trap ID to allow to asset-track the physical traps. Give it a vote if you like the idea.

I retired the traps and also marked them as removed for repair, even though they don’t need repairing.
When they go to the new location they will be installed as a new trap and with a new code.

I like your suggestion for the site/code plus trap ID code to keep track of the inventory.