Walk the Line - tracks record

I recently tried walk the line out on my phone. I was able to view the track on my phone. I would like to view it on the desktop if possible as I often do segments of a line and want the time taken and to be able to look back at and combine the times of segments several days apart

kia ora @cragrat to view the lines or tracks reports via the website, Click on reports and project reports this will show the tracks that have been used and time taken. You can also try using the work effort report which would also show time taken by user within the filtered days

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I get no results of any sort via Work Effort report. Also quite slow so when I enter a value eg trap/all or date there is a slow spinning red thing and while that spins I can’t move on to the next item. Have tried in Brave as well as Chrome (MacOS)Sonoma 14.5

@cragrat Did you try the project reports? If you are using walk line it should show there too

I have exactly the same problem with all the reports marked NEW

We will look into this thanks

Should now be resolved. Please try again.

Thanks that seems to work shows my total times. from the two partial tripos

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Thank you - The work effort report is great - Thank you

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