Website not updating from trap logs on phone

I just noticed an issue. I don’t look at the website often, but I have just noticed that no log records from March onwards have uploaded from my phone (Samsung S23) to the website. The project is River Valley, Taihape. I did change my phone around that time to the Samsung S23 but don’t know what difference that would make.

Can you check your phone app, and see if there is any yellow triangles beside the project name in the “my projects” section of the menu. If there is you will need to go into the “logs” section of the menu and export your logs to me as a debug JSON file to you may have a failed log that is holding up the process of the phone synching, You will then want to reset your app. I have pasted the link to the help doc detailing the steps below for you. it is important you send a copy of the logs to yourself and make sure they have the attachment before resetting your phone.

I have sent you 4times now the total of rats 7 so far and I get back you haven’t heard from me I trap at Pukatea Way. My name is Selwyn. I will not waist my time trying to get through to you any more so if you want to know how many pests I’ve caught you contact me.

@selwynkingsford I’m sorry I can’t say I have received any emails with the information you have stated in the post. You don’t show as having any installations assigned to you in the project. In order for you to add any records this needs to happen, I’m happy to contact your project admin and ask them to assign installations for you or you can add one yourself to log catches in. You’ve caught 7 rats thats a great number for you to not add to your project tally I’m sure they would like to have them added to the project.

Yes that would be good if you sent someone to help me set it up. The total now is 11 rats and one mouse.thanks Selwyn. My phone 0211477558

@selwynkingsford I have sent an email to your project administrator advising them of the situation and linking them to your post. Hopefully you hear from them soon.