I’m currently simplifying/streamlining data entry processes for our project, and part of my plan is to turn off some of the currently-enabled standard lure names and use more specific custom names instead.
Replacing “Smooth” with “Smooth Cinnamon Lure (blue)” and “Smooth Aniseed Lure (pink)” was simple - there were only about 6 records for “Smooth” despite blue Smooth being one of the most-used lures in the project, so I could easily edit them to the new name before turning off the original category.
“Lure”, on the other hand, has hundreds of entries! It’s been used a lot for Smooth, but also for “other” and “not recorded”, so it is not practicable to alter all existing trap records to use our newly-added custom project terms.
I would really like to disable “Lure” as an option for new records - but if I turn it off at project level, will this also affect existing records that have used it as the lure type?
Any help appreciated, I don’t want to wreck our project’s entire past dataset by pushing a Wrong Button