Add multiple active ingredients for baits on app

Hi there,
Very soon we will be using a poison with multiple active ingredients (Double tap). Currently the app does not support the upload of this data due to the ‘select’ nature of the Toxin section when adding a new bait.
Would it be possible to add the following “Diphacinone + Cholecalciferol” to the lists for both the select menu on the app and the website.
Cheers, Amy

Hi Amy,

There is a feature request in for this, maybe throw a vote on that one:


Ah, so there is. Will do that. Cheers.

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Hi Christine,

Just to let you know we have added “Diphacinone + Cholecalciferol” as a toxin option when setting up your bait configs. This should cover Double Tap and any others that use that combo in the future.
