The “Recorded by” field in Trap Records, when you are logging a visit of catch is free text field.
So people just type anything, which causes issue with reports.
Should this be a selection box like the Trap Assigned field, as people that make logs would always be a member of your group??
Thanks…Gary Fawcett
Agree. It would be good to see this standardised. Select from dropdown. Possibly some data entry work still needs to be done as I don’t think all of our trappers have a name in the system from memory. Just an email.
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Yes we do a Trapper Leader-board on our groups webpage, and it can be a nightmare as the data is so bad. All about doing less work updating websites
The app defaults to the current users ‘username’ field, and lets the user override this in the app settings (not on the form itself.)
It sounds like this is what you’d like on the website too?
That would be great, pretty sure on the website that field isn’t mandatory as well. But if it defaulted to the username that would be great.
Hi Andy, a few years have passed, but looking today may still be relevant. Default to the username on the website, with option to overwrite.
Hi Amy,
Thanks for the reminder, and yes I agree it is still relevant, it just hasn’t risen to the top of the priority list.
Please do vote for the feature requests you’d like. We do take that into account. This one has just one vote as I write and it is mine
I’ll bring it up with the team and see what we can do.
July 28, 2024, 7:47pm
I also requested this as a feature earlier this year
The “recorded by” field needs to be whoever is logged in. The free text option and being able to leave the field blank is not really acceptable. Although, administrators need to have the option to select another member of their project of allocate a record.