Default values when adding trap records on the web

Hi there,
We have been developing a custom website by utilising the api. I haven’t spent much time interacting with features on the website, but something has just occurred to me.
When trying to create a view on which trappers have been doing the most clearances, or a history of trap line and who has been clearing recently, I could not figure out how we get so many ‘recorded by’ values coming through. Having just updated the trap line I work on using the web interface rather than mobile interface, it struck me that setting default values, the ‘recorded by’ field is free text.
Would it be possible to have this as a drop down list? Either from the username field, or existing ‘recorded by’ values with an option to add a new recorded by name?
Hamish Maxwell

I’ve seen this too Hamish. If it is creating issues with your reports, one possible workaround is to filter for variant names that you’ve seen in the report, then bulk-edit the “recorded by” field in the “Manage trap records” section of the website.

I admit, I usually use a variant name-format in the free-text section on purpose if I’m entering data on behalf of someone else - then if that data shows up oddly in my later reports, I know to check my own data entry first before asking the trapper!

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Thanks Christina.
I haven’t played around with bulk edits yet.
At the moment we just handle it with some data mapping once we’ve pulled in the raw data. It’s a good point you make, re having some sort of identifier for manual inputs on behalf. Although without checking this could possibly be handled by checking username against recorded by?
If it could still be considered, then I think a drop down could be beneficial where users can’t remember their own variants of recorded by that they’ve used in the past.

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I asked for something similar a year ago

Really frustrating, having one user coming up four or so different times in a month, because they used a different variant of their name.

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