Visitor category

A visitor category would be nice to have. At the moment when I want a friend or a sponsor or somebody not trapping but interested in my traps I have to make them ‘manager’. Which means they could make changes. Even accidentally.
A visitor category which is seeing only would avoid that problem.
Thank you.

@Quickenberry you can use the advanced trapper permissions on the website to see everything on the website

Here’s the link to @Quickenberry’s earlier post on this topic: Trapper categories - General discussion

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Looks like there is a similar feature request to this one from back in 2022 - Add “Spectator” as a membership option - that got some votes too. Site admins/mods, is there a way that the two posts can be linked/merged so all the votes can count together?

Dear Lenore
Thank you. That is the problem. An advanced trapper can make changes! I want an observer status. Like we have people from the council or Ecan here in Canterbury who are interested in the traps because they support our effort with grants. I do not want them to be able to change settings or numbers even accidentally. They should be able to see all installations on the computer and on the phone. Because sometimes they actually come out here to check the traps and see where the money is spent on.
Kind regards

@lenore-admin With the demise of J4N funding I suspect many projects may be in a similar situation to our Ruahine Kiwi project in moving from a funded team to a volunteer lead project with a mixture of sponsorship, grants etc. We are also very focused on collaboration with community and Iwi groups and with neighbouring trapping projects. What this means is that we are far more focused on giving project visibility/transparency to a wide group of people who are not directly engaged in managing traps and so have no need to be able edit anything, but do need to see lots of detail. So I thoroughly support the idea of a visitor or guest or observer member category with read-only access to the whole project. I would even suggest it is critical to our project’s future success.

Robert Gibb
Ruahine Kiwi Project Lead